In mah new apartment!
Okay, so, uhm...
I moved out of Nardy's place about a week ago, and today is the day my mom will move in with me again! :D
She's gonna move all of her stuff out of her ex's place, and I'm gonna help her, and say goodbye to my beloved little brothers :(
Sure gonna miss dem dogz <3
So, I found this awesome song that I instantly downloaded and started playing on my stereo :D
I've been repeating it for about ten times, now :3
Mah poor neighbours!
Here it is! :D
And, in case the song gets deleted from Youtube..
It's Savant ft. Axel morris & Celina Svanberg - Licence to chill 2012
And, well... I "found" it in the end of one of Cry's videos ^^
That guy has some epic taste in music <3
And, in case this is SOOOO BORING for you...
Have a random cat party pic.
